
Learn About Us

Hello, we're the Liberal Party of Nahigang on Discord! Our goal is to promote freedom and equality for everyone. We believe in protecting individual rights and personal freedoms. We want people to be able to make their own choices without interference, as long as they don't harm others. Let's continue to work together to make the world a better place where everyone can thrive and be themselves.

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Learn About Our winners

24 February 2023Nahigang Formal Party (current: Liberal party of nahigang)

NGFP became the first leader ruling party of nahigang with R_VAN in charge.

3rd March, 2023The Provisional Government of NahiGang

A provisional government, aka an emergency government are generally appointed, and frequently arise, either during or after civil or foreign wars. This came in power after the violent & destructive collapse of Nahigang Formal Party.

4th March, 2023United Socialist Party Of NahiGang

NahiGang second election was alot more clean and the winner was the United Socialist Party Of NahiGang A socialist/communist government where everyone is treated equal unless broken the law.

11th March, 2023United Democratic Party of NahiGang

NahiGang's 3rd election happened and the winner for this election was United Democratic Party of NahiGang (UDPN) with 3 votes. This party is a Democratic Party which is focussed on making the server normal and funtional instead of useless power abuses for "fun"

25th March ,2023Republican & NSSR COALITION

NahiGang's 4th election happened and this election it was a coalition beetween NSSR and Republican.

8th April, 2023NahiGang Soviet Socialist Republic

NahiGang's 5th election happened and the winner for this election is NahiGang Soviet Socialist Republic.

22nd April ,2023Republican party of nahigang

NahiGang's 6th election happened and the winner for this election is Republican party of nahigang.

6th May, 2023Republican & Democratic COALITION

NahiGang's 7th election happened and this election its a coalition beetween Republican and Democratic.

20th May ,2023Liberal Party of Nahigang

NahiGang's 8th election happened and the winner for this election is Liberal party of nahigang.The party have comeback after ending fascism.

Why Choose Us

Great experience

The Leader is the memeber himself himself. I have seen and noted the past tragedy happend in the gang and I will make a change.


Every member of the community deserves equal treatment and respect, regardless of their background, identity, or beliefs.

Respect you rights.

Upholding human rights ensures that every individual is able to live with dignity, without fear of discrimination, persecution, or oppression. (we do some jokes but regardless we respect you all)


Meet All Parties Leaders

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Avaneesh Kumar

United Democratic Party of nahigang

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Aarav Gupta

Liberal Party of Nahigang
(current leading party)

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Andromeda Rose

NahiGang Soviet Socialist Republic

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Sayan Dutta

National Republican Party of Nahi Gang

More Coming soon!!